About Us

Freestone is a private investment partnership founded by experienced business operators to acquire, operate, and grow one single exceptional company at a time. Freestone's founders will personally lead the company after acquisition.

Why Freestone

Leadership Succession

Traditional private equity investors require sellers to stay on and run the acquired business for a year or more, often tying a significant portion of the seller’s proceeds to this commitment. The seller effectively becomes an employee, usually reporting to a junior partner.

Freestone’s model allows you to pursue retirement or other ventures almost immediately (typically within four weeks). Ongoing commitments would be limited to board-level advisory roles (if desired), answering occasional questions, and making warm introductions to important customers and suppliers. This is the primary differentiator between our approach and traditional private equity. Our model provides you with a true succession plan that allows you to move on to the next chapter in your life.

Employee Stewardship

Traditional private equity investors have rarely run a company or had any significant leadership experience. While they may understand the importance of great talent at an academic level, they do not have the visceral understanding that your employees are the foundation of your business. At the end of the day, your employees will be payroll line items on a spreadsheet.

We have spent our careers directly leading businesses and military units. We understand, like you do, that a business is no more valuable than the people that are in it. We will join your company on day one and will be developing long term relationships with the team that will last for years, if not decades.

Patient Capital

Traditional private equity investors typically target 3-4 year holding periods for acquired companies. Given that they have defined fund lifecycles and institutional investors, this makes perfect sense. However, this short-term focus can be vastly different from the long-term vision of founder-owned or family-owned businesses that think in terms of decades not months.

Our capital comes from our own pockets, experienced professional investors and high net-worth individuals we have known for many years. This patient capital allows us to think long-term without a defined holding period. We plan to own and operate the business we acquire 10 years or longer.

Our Values

Leadership matters


Long-term value


Industry Characteristics


No large companies dominating the industry


~5+% annual growth in market size


Minimal downside impact in prior recessions


Limited tech, political, or regulatory risk

Company Characteristics

Small / Medium Sized

Revenues between $10M and $65M Revenue

Recurring Revenues

Predictable, repeat revenue; ideally, annual or multi-year contracts

Track Record

5+ years of profitability

Diverse and loyal Customer Mix

Limited dependency on key customers; multiple end markets serviced with high customer retention

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